Lasik Experience
Lasik Screening
The complimentary consultation is the first step. During this 30 minute appointment you will have specific testing performed to assure that you are eligible for the laser treatment. During the screening, we will perform tests to determine what your prescription is and the steepness and the thickness of your cornea. These measurements, along with a detailed medical history, will determine your eligibility for refractive surgery. The remainder of your visit, spent with our refractive counselor, is an interactive and educational session designed to help you understand all aspects of the LASIK procedure.
For pricing information, CLICK HERE.
Pre-operative Exam
The “pre-op exam” is the eye exam before surgery. It includes clinical tests to make sure you are a good candidate for refractive surgery and gives the surgeon the necessary information to perform surgery. One of our highly-trained doctors will be assessing the following aspects of each patient and will make recommendations for surgery pending the outcome of the tests.
Your preoperative exam will include the following components:
- Case History – purpose of visit and expectations, eye health history, last eye exam and prescription, contact lens information, general health information, current medications, allergies, and eye and general health in the family
- Uncorrected visual acuity at distance and near
- Visual field analysis
- Eye alignment testing
- Pupil diameter in dim and bright light
- Eye dominance testing
- Refraction with and without pupil dilation
- Corneal thickness measurements
- Best spectacle corrected visual acuity
- Anterior segment biomicroscopy
- Corneal topography
- Eye pressure testing
- Discussion or indications, risks, benefits, and alternatives to refractive surgery
- Discussion of exam results and likely individual outcome
- Internal eye exam
- Confirmation of realistic expectations and refractive stability
- Informed consent
The doctor will assess the above mentioned components and make a recommendation regarding the course of action for each individual patient. If all tests are confirmed to be satisfactory, the refractive coordinator will then make your appointment for the day of surgery, go over preoperative instructions and issue you several prescriptions.
Day of Surgery
Expect to be at Professional Eyecare Associates for about 1-2 hours the day of your procedure. It is important that you have a companion with you who can drive you home after your procedure.
After you’ve checked in for your appointment, you will have your pre-operative measurements verified by our doctors. You will then proceed to the surgical area where your eyes will be cleansed and anesthetized, and you will have the opportunity to take a mild sedative to help you relax.
The first part of the LASIK procedure is to create the hinged corneal flap using the laser. While your LASIK flap is being created, you will only feel mild pressure for about a minute per eye. (For more information on having a blade-free procedure done, CLICK HERE)
Once the flap is created, you will be placed under the Visx Excimer laser system. During this portion of your procedure, an eyelid holder is used to hold your eye open. You will be asked to focus on a blinking light while the flap is lifted and the cornea is gently reshaped using the advanced laser technology. The laser treatment lasts only seconds and then the flap is put back in place. The corneal flap adheres immediately without the need for stitches.
The Surgeon will then take you into an examination room and take one last look at your eyes. A technician will go over your drop and post-operative instructions after setting up your first two post-operative appointments. It is important to remember that your vision will be cloudy for several hours after your procedure and that it is normal to experience mild irritation such as light sensitivity, tearing and foreign body sensation.
Post-operative Appointments
You will return to Professional Eyecare Associates for a brief examination the day after the procedure. By this time, many of our patients see well enough to drive. We will continue to monitor your healing progression at the following intervals: 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. All post-operative exams are included in the price of your surgery.
Your Results
Because everyone’s eyes are different, we cannot promise perfect vision. We can, however, give you an expectation of your outcome based on prescription, ocular health and pre-operative testing. In addition, by utilizing the most advanced technology with IntraLase Lasik, we are ensuring that our patients receive the best opportunity to achieve superior results.
The Professional Eyecare Associates team has performed thousands of LASIK procedures with outstanding results, and our commitment to patient care is evident in the thousands of happy patients we see everyday.